Now you can finally learn the Basics Of Boxing THE RIGHT WAY from a world class boxing coach &
getting in killer shape & condition!
It's perfect for the person who has
never been trained in Boxing by a professional as well as a new Boxing Trainer
For the person seeking to understand the process of learning the science of Boxing
Parents wanting to train their kids,
Personal Trainers, Fitness Enthusiasts
Your not quite ready for our
TOP TRAINER U program for Coaches, Trainers & Pro Fighters
First and foremost, we have made sure that it's super easy to get started and that you have everything you need front and center. It's even available via our app for easy access on the go!
Easy to follow & keeps you on track. Super cool because you can move at your own pace.
Clear & Comprehensive so you can be confident you are learning Boxing the right way.
Training just like a Pro. You will learn exactly how to get lean & cut in a minimal amount of time.
Whether you are just starting out or if you've been boxing for a while, you are going to get up close & personal with the basics of boxing. Coach Bradley is going to walk you step by step through the essential fundamentals to make sure you don't create any bad habits, fix any that you may have and have you firing on all cylinders.Repetition will be king. After all, in Boxing, it's all about muscle memory.
The only way to achieve it is to practice until you can't get it wrong.
From hand wrapping to your warm up and Coach Bradley's P.T. method, you will learn how to prevent injuries and maximize your results.
From hand wrapping to your warm up and Coach Bradley's P.T. method, you will learn how to prevent injuries and maximize your results.
Using the heavy bag, mitts or shadow boxing, you will have what you need to solidify & execute with precision your fundamental punches such as the Jab, Straight Right Hand, Hook & Uppercut.
Learning proper defense is essential. From defensive footwork to slips, blocks & weaves, you will begin to put the bricks down on a solid foundation of defense.
You will be introduced to Coach Bradley's training system that went viral on social media. You will get maximum results in minimal time!
After you exhilarating training session, you will have an awesome cool down sequence that will close things out & have your body prepped for the next day.
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